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Relocation services to the Netherlands for individuals

Through Employment

Working Visa

  • We manage the entire process of obtaining a work visa as a highly skilled professional. We prepare all the necessary documents, obtain approvals from government authorities, and arrange a residence permit with the right to work and reside in the Netherlands, which can later be exchanged for a European Permanent Residence (Blue Card) with full freedom to live and work in any EU country.
  • A work visa allows you to bring your family and children. We also assist with partner visas and other important family-related matters such as finding housing, schools, or childcare, and partner employment.
  • Additional benefits of a work visa for highly skilled professionals include significantly lower tax rates – 30% will not be taxed, the ability to exchange driving licenses without exams, a special expedited process for obtaining all necessary documents, and more.
  • Benefits of working with us: We can help in situations where the company you plan to work for does not have the right to hire foreigners, or if you don’t have an employer in the Netherlands yet.

Assistance in Job Search

  • We craft resumes and LinkedIn profiles
  • We collect and process documents.
  • We assist in interview preparation and document submissions.
  • We help with finding housing and provide orientation upon arrival.

As an Entrepreneur

Startup Visa

  • This is the most budget-friendly option for relocating to the Netherlands. It is available to specialists in any field with any level of experience
  • You can move to the Netherlands with a startup visa without having your own business or a job offer.
  • You can even move with just a business idea or without one – our mentors and experts will assist with everything else. We can help formulate the right business plan, work on marketing, and assess sales prospects.
  • If you lack an understanding of how to implement your startup or the necessary expertise, we can assist with that too. Our network of experts covers various fields, and they are ready to join the project and take it to a functional level.

Business Visa

  • The business visa is optimal for those who already have a good track record in business, which can be substantiated.
  • With a business visa, we can relocate not only business owners but also employees and the entire business.
  • The scale and proportions of business relocation can be customized individually and gradually expanded over time.
  • Additionally, we can also relocate their families, partners, and children. We offer assistance with other critical family-related matters such as finding housing, schools, or childcare, and partner employment.


Student Visa

  • Assistance in finding and preparing for enrollment.
  • Post-relocation support.
  • Housing research.
  • Assistance in enrolling children in preschool or school.
  • Visa extensions.
  • Processing the 30% ruling.
  • Social and business networking.

Studying abroad is an exciting opportunity to experience new cultures, gain knowledge and skills, and broaden your horizons. We provide comprehensive services to help make your educational journey to the Netherlands a smooth and successful one.


Assistance after relocation

  • Accommodation search

  • Help with placement of children in kindergarten / school

  • Visa extension

  • Registration of 30%-ruling

  • Social and business networking